I have received the following manuals associated with Serial # (required) and have been instructed on how to operate the BC3-6000 Forklift. I also understand and agree that all operators and maintenance personnel are required to read each manual thoroughly, and to fully understand the Operators and Maintenance manual before operating or maintaining the BC3-6000 Forklift. Please check the appropriate boxes below acknowledging the receipt of the product documents listed below. BC3-6000 Forklift Operators and Maintenance Manual (BCI# 097-20572_EN&SP Dated 3/6/2015): ReceivedNot Received BC3-6000 Forklift Parts Catalog (BCI# 097-20802 Dated 6/22/2016) ReceivedNot Received Company (required) Location (required) Name (required) Title (required) Email (required) Date Message Δ